3W,5W,10W uv laser

¿Puede la prestigiosa fuente de láseres Q-switched de nanosegundos funcionar en materiales metálicos?

Jun 28 , 2022

¿Puede la prestigiosa fuente de láseres Q-switched de nanosegundos funcionar en materiales metálicos?


La máquina de marcado láser también se puede llamar máquina de marcado láser ultravioleta, máquina de marcado láser ultravioleta ultravioleta, máquina de grabado láser ultravioleta, máquina de marcado láser ultravioleta Principio: al igual que la máquina de marcado láser de fibra ordinaria, también utiliza un rayo láser para marcar la superficie de la sustancia con una marca duradera. El mecanismo de reacción durante el procesamiento con láser ultravioleta se realiza mediante ablación fotoquímica, es decir, depende de la energía del láser para romper los enlaces entre átomos o moléculas, convirtiéndolos en pequeñas moléculas gasificadas y evaporadas. , El punto de enfoque es extremadamente pequeño y la zona afectada por el calor de procesamiento es muy pequeña, por lo que puede usarse para marcado ultrafino y marcado de materiales especiales.


Con el rápido desarrollo de los equipos láser y la mejora de la potencia de las máquinas de marcado por láser UV, las máquinas de marcado por láser UV se han aplicado al mercado de gama alta de procesamiento ultrafino, embalaje de iPhone, cosméticos, medicinas, alimentos y otros procesos moleculares. materiales con máquinas de marcado láser de alta. Marcado de superficies de botellas, marcado de placas PCB flexibles, troceado, microagujeros de obleas de silicio, procesamiento de agujeros ciegos, vidrio LCD, superficies de cristalería, revestimiento de superficies metálicas, botones de plástico, componentes electrónicos, obsequios, equipos de comunicación, materiales de construcción y muchos otros campos.

láser ultravioleta  | láser verde  | Láseres ultravioleta  | láser uv dpss  | láser de nanosegundos  | fuente de láser ultravioleta  | Láseres de estado sólido

The UV laser processing process is called the "photo-etching" effect. The "cold processing" (ultraviolet) photons with high load energy can break the chemical bonds in the material or the surrounding medium, so that the material is damaged by a non-thermal process. It has special meaning in laser symbol processing, because it is not thermal ablation, but cold peeling that breaks chemical bonds without the side effect of "thermal damage", so there is no heating or heat to the inner layer and adjacent areas of the processed surface. Due to deformation and other effects, the material processed by the fiber laser marking machine has a lubricated edge and a very low degree of carbonization.


Under the environment of industrialized large-scale automated production line, UV laser marking machine has become an industrial processing manufacturer because of its advantages such as light quality, high peak value, narrow pulse width, and small thermal influence during processing, under the condition of higher electro-optical conversion efficiency. The darling of marking, can meet the needs of industrial mass production.


Can the UV laser marking machine mark metal products? The answer is yes, so why not use the UV laser marking machine to mark metal products? The reasons are as follows:.


1. The cost of UV laser marking machine is higher. From the perspective of cost, it is more suitable to use fiber laser marking machine for metal products. The power of fiber laser marking machine is high, and cutting and engraving on metal products The strength is just right, and the price of the fiber laser marking machine is more affordable. Generally, you can buy a piece of equipment for more than 10,000 yuan.


2. The UV laser marking machine is mainly used for ultra-fine marking, such as some circuit boards, glass, electronic components, etc. Usually, these products have higher marking requirements. The UV laser marking machine uses a laser with a wavelength of 355nm, and the focusing spot is small. , for general sensitive materials, there will be no scorching and burning, and it can focus more accurately.


3. The power of the UV laser marking machine is small, and it is difficult to achieve the effect required by the manufacturer on metal materials. The power of the conventional UV laser marking machine is: 3W, 5W, 10W, 15W, etc., and the minimum power of the fiber laser marking machine is also 20W , and further up is 30W, 50W, and even 100W products are more common, the power determines the use of different fields, each has its own advantages.

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