10W-15W uv laser

¿Cuáles son las ventajas de los láseres UV de nanosegundos en el trabajo en frío?

Sep 23 , 2022

¿ Cuáles son las ventajas de los láseres UV de nanosegundos en el trabajo en frío ?

En los últimos años, con el desarrollo de la tecnología láser, la aplicación de la tecnología láser en diferentes campos se ha ampliado gradualmente y se aplica a muchos aspectos del procesamiento actual. Dichos métodos de procesamiento brindan más posibilidades para el procesamiento actual.


Now the application of laser technology emerges in an endless stream, and various new applications continue to appear. The nanosecond UV lasers processing process is called the "photo-erosion" effect. Destruction of materials by athermal processes. This cold working is not thermal ablation, but cold peeling that does not produce "thermal damage" and breaks chemical bonds, so it does not heat or thermally deform the inner layer and nearby areas of the machined surface. The resulting material has smooth edges and minimal carbonization. Therefore, nanosecond UV lasers marking machine is suitable for current processing


The nanosecond UV lasers has a small focus and has a small heat-affected zone, so it will not affect the surrounding materials of the marking surface during processing, and is now the choice of customers in areas with high marking effect. At the same time, the nanosecond UV lasers marking machine can mark most materials, with fast processing speed and good stability of the whole machine. It can be mass-produced and streamlined. It is a powerful assistant in the current processing field. The current nanosecond UV lasers marking machine has been widely used in the current processing market

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