10W-15W uv laser

RFH 355nmnanosegundo láseres uv fuente tiras pintura LOGOTIPO en la superficie metálica de la maquinilla de afeitar

Feb 21 , 2023

RFH 355nmnanosegundo láseres uv fuente tiras pintura LOGOTIPO en la superficie metálica de la maquinilla de afeitar

Peeling de pintura láser verde potente en la superficie del termo

La fuente de láser ultravioleta de nanosegundos es una tecnología de marcado sin contacto. Hoy en día, el desarrollo de la tecnología tradicional que alcanza estándares se ve obstaculizado y muestra muchas deficiencias. La tecnología de marcado láser UV dominada por RFH puede dar un nuevo impulso al proceso de marcado.


El Sr. Li de Guangzhou vino recientemente a RFH, con la esperanza de visitar la producción de fuentes de láser ultravioleta de nanosegundos y comprender el rendimiento de su trabajo, y reemplazar la tecnología de marcado de superficies de metal con cuchillas en la línea de montaje de su fábrica.


In the past, Mr. Li's factory used ink marking technology. As a traditional process, ink marking technology needs to consume ink and replace ink cartridges frequently during the marking process. Work under the supervision of special personnel will still pollute the environment, and ink splashes will affect the production environment.

The production of RFH nanosecond uv lasers source can free the hands of employees to the greatest extent. The non-contact marking method can only be plugged in to run, and it can run stably for 24 hours without special supervision. The ultra-high speed fully meets a flying machine. The use of pipelines. Moreover, the nanosecond uv lasers source will not produce any garbage to pollute the environment during operation, and will not cause any harm to the human body. Under such circumstances, the marked graphics and texts can be permanently retained, with high precision and high efficiency.


Mr. Li resolutely chose RFH nanosecond uv lasers source to participate in his assembly line. Although the replacement of the machine was invested in the early stage, the cost was quickly recovered in the efficient operation, creating a higher level for this growing enterprise. the value of.

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