10W-15W uv laser

Marcado láser UV de estado sólido RFH 355nm en auriculares de iPhone

Feb 21 , 2023

Marcado láser UV de estado sólido RFH 355nm en auriculares de iPhone



Desde que la conferencia iPhone mostró su rendimiento específico y otras informaciones, el iPhone ha llamado la atención de muchos fans e incluso del público, y ha sido saqueado nada más salir a la venta. Si quieres hablar de los accesorios que se usan con los teléfonos móviles, debes hablar de los auriculares. El uso de auriculares inalámbricos ha traído una mayor comodidad a la vida, y los auriculares con volumen reducido también han traído ciertas dificultades a la producción.


The component processing factory from Dongguan undertook the production of earphones compatible with the iPhone. The technician Master Wang came to RFH when he was looking for a new marking technology for the factory. He took a fancy to RFH's 355nm solid state uv laser and quickly ordered two sets. in production.


RFH 355nm solid state uv laser is a high-quality, efficient, usable and environmentally friendly laser technology, and it is marked in a non-contact state. The 355nm solid state uv laser can emit low-temperature cold light source, and the extremely small light spot moves on the surface of the material to quickly mark the required text.

The marking accuracy of 355nm solid state uv laser is extremely high, and it can mark on the surface of very small materials. The accuracy of about 0.2mm basically meets the highest standard of current market production. In addition, its operation is very simple, its service life is long, its continuous running time can reach 24 hours, and it has a very outstanding performance in terms of stability.


The high-tech industry is currently a hot industry. It is a path that RFH must go through to be able to show its strength in the high-tech electronics industry, and it is also an honor for RFH. It is believed that RFH will be able to set foot in more fields in the future and make more contributions to the marking process.

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