3W,5W,10W uv laser

La influencia de la pérdida del láser ultravioleta de 10 W de la máquina de marcado láser en toda la máquina

Oct 15 , 2021

The influence of the loss of the 10W ultraviolet laser of the laser marking machine on the whole machine


To put it plainly, the laser of a laser marking machine is equivalent to the core processor of a mobile phone. It is a very critical part, and it can also be said to be a soul component. Just as a person loses his soul, it is no different from dementia or a vegetative person. For the same reason, losing the laser The laser marking machine and the mobile phone without the core processor are just an empty shell, and this laser is equivalent to the life meter of the laser machine, and the loss of the laser is equivalent to the reduction in the life of the laser machine. Of course, it can also be said here. It’s a big deal to change a laser, but you have to know that the price of a single laser is not cheap, and to be fair, if the laser is replaced, then the laser marking machine is still the original laser machine? Of course we don’t talk about it. So hypocritical, as long as you know that the laser is worn out or even damaged, you will have to pay a high price to purchase it, which is very important.


355nm UV laser marking machine


Then the following topic is derived from the laser of the laser marking machine. There are many things that determine the quality of the laser of the laser marking machine. Similarly, it is the example of mobile phones. They are different. Although they have the same functions of calling and sending text messages and surfing the Internet, whether it is the smoothness of use, the aesthetics of the interface, the feel of the mobile phone, and even the vanity of modern society, the status logo is given to people. The feelings are all different. It’s not a popular saying on the Internet, “People with iPhones don’t have pockets, and people with tattoos are shirtless”. This is a common problem of modern people. There is nothing wrong with showing off. In fact, most people, most of the people here I refer to those who complain about others' stinks, but in fact, if he also has an iPhone, he will become a person without a pocket in a short period of time. , This is human nature.

láser ultravioleta  | láser verde  | láseres ultravioleta  | láser uv dpss  | láser de nanosegundos  | fuente de láser ultravioleta  | Láseres de estado sólido

Láser UV RFH de nanosegundos


De hecho, habiendo dicho tanto, lo que quiero expresar es solo una cosa. Una buena máquina de marcado láser brinda a los usuarios no solo las ventajas de una buena usabilidad, durabilidad y estabilidad, sino también un tipo de estatus social, o una Por supuesto, hay algunas personas a las que realmente no les importa y desdeñan este tipo de pantalla. Pero a veces, el estatus es un símbolo. No depende de si te gusta o no, aunque a muchas personas no les gusta. Preocuparse por este tipo de desempeño externo, pero a veces no es que los demás menosprecien a los demás, sino un símbolo necesario. Al igual que el primer ministro y la esposa del primer ministro que asisten a un banquete en el extranjero, uno debe ser correcto y estable, y el otro debe ser elegante y elegante. , Porque esto representa la cara del país, tal vez mi nivel ascendente es demasiado alto, pero no es mucho peor. Una máquina de marcado láser alta definitivamente le permitirá obtener una vista superior frente a sus compañeros y clientes, y aumentarlo. Rostro. Espero que lo que he dicho os pueda ayudar a todos, ¡gracias a todos!

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