3W,5W,10W uv laser

La diferencia entre el láser verde de 532 nm y el láser de CO2

Dec 16 , 2022

The difference between green laser and CO2 laser

green laser

Green laser is also a short-wavelength laser. Generally, frequency doubling technology is used to convert the infrared light (1064nm) emitted by the solid-state laser into 532nm (double frequency) green light. Green laser is visible light, and ultraviolet laser is invisible light. . The photon energy of the green laser is very large, and its cold processing characteristics are very similar to those of ultraviolet light, so it can form a variety of types with ultraviolet laser.


The green light marking process, like the ultraviolet laser, is realized by using the photochemical reaction between green light and the material to change the color. Using appropriate parameters can avoid the obvious removal effect on the surface of the material, so it can mark graphics without obvious touch And characters, there is generally a layer of tin masking layer on the surface of the PCB board, usually in many colors, the green laser responds well to it, and the marked graphics are very clear and delicate.



CO2 laser


CO2 is a commonly used gas laser with rich luminous energy levels. The typical laser wavelengths are 9.3 and 10.6um. It is a far-infrared laser with a continuous output power of up to tens of kilowatts. Usually, low-power CO2 lasers are used to achieve high Marking process of non-metallic materials such as molecules. Generally, CO2 lasers are rarely used to mark metals, because metals have a very low absorption rate (high-power CO2 can be used to cut and weld metals, due to factors such as absorption rate, electro-optical conversion rate, optical path and maintenance, fiber lasers have gradually been used. replace).


El proceso de la máquina de marcado láser de CO2 se realiza utilizando el efecto térmico del láser en el material, o calentando y vaporizando el material de la superficie para exponer la capa profunda de diferentes colores, o calentando los cambios físicos microscópicos en la superficie del material. para hacerlo El rendimiento reflectante cambia significativamente, o se producen ciertas reacciones químicas cuando se calienta con energía luminosa, y se muestran los gráficos, caracteres, códigos bidimensionales y otra información necesarios.


Los láseres de CO2 se usan generalmente en componentes electrónicos, instrumentos, ropa, cuero, bolsos, zapatos, botones, anteojos, medicamentos, alimentos, bebidas, cosméticos, empaques, equipos eléctricos y otros campos que usan materiales poliméricos.

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