3W,5W,10W uv laser

¿La máquina de marcado láser UV de 15W es dañina para el cuerpo humano?

Oct 21 , 2021

Is the 15W UV laser marking machine harmful to the human body?


With the popularity of laser marking machines in life, the development of many processing and manufacturing industries has ushered in rapid development. While laser marking machines are promoting the development of enterprises, more users are still more worried about safety issues. After all, safety is not A little thing, does the laser marking machine cause harm to the human body? Let's take a look at it together.


UV laser marking machine


The laser marking machine has the characteristics of permanent and clear marking and is favored by manufacturers. After the experiment of scientific researchers, it is an environmentally friendly equipment. As long as it is operated in accordance with the normal operation process, it will not produce any harmful gas to the human body and affect the environment. It is also relatively small, but no matter what kind of work, there must be enough rest time and reasonable work arrangements, otherwise it will definitely cause harm to the body. The laser marking machine has very small radiation, even more than your mobile phone radiation. Small, so everyone can rest assured about radiation hazards.


Relax and ensure sufficient rest time for the eyes


As a new type of production equipment, the laser marking machine has mature applications in various industries. It emits a very small laser beam. Many workers prefer to look at the beam from the equipment for a long time. If the operator stares at it for a long time If you look at the beam or cutting sparks, it will make your eyes feel irritating and hurt your eyes. Therefore, looking at the laser for a long time will harm your eyes. So don’t stare at the beam for a long time during the operation. Relax and ensure sufficient rest time for the eyes.


When using a laser marking machine, operate in strict accordance with safety regulations


Safe use specifications are indispensable for laser marking machines. Some workers may cause slight burns if the laser hits their hands due to operating errors and other reasons. If they are accidentally irradiated on other parts of the body, will it be harmful? Don’t worry too much. The laser irradiated by the laser marking machine is in compliance with national standards. It will hardly cause any harm to the human body after passing the national safety inspection, but it will feel pain in the part at the time of irradiation. When using the laser marking machine, operate in strict accordance with the safe use specifications, and the protective gear must be worn well. What is more important is that the operator is not allowed to operate alone to prevent damage caused by improper operation.

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El rápido desarrollo de la tecnología láser ha hecho que las máquinas de marcado láser sean reconocidas por más personas


El rápido desarrollo de la tecnología láser ha hecho que las máquinas de marcado láser sean reconocidas por más personas. Cuando se usa en muchas industrias, ¿las oportunidades de marcado láser causan daño al cuerpo humano? En resumen, las máquinas de marcado láser pertenecen al estándar nacional y la radiación también es mejor. El teléfono móvil es aún más bajo, por lo que no hay necesidad de preocuparse por los riesgos de radiación. Usando una máquina de marcado láser, siempre que se opere de la manera correcta, casi no hay daño para el cuerpo humano. Se producirán quemaduras en la parte irradiada con láser, por lo que se deben tomar medidas de protección.

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