3W,5W,10W uv laser

¿Cómo marcar vidrio con una máquina de marcado láser UV de 10W?

Oct 21 , 2021

How to mark glass with 10W UV laser marking machine?


We all know that glass is fragile and should be handled with care during transportation. But I am curious how some exquisite patterns are carved on the glass. This is about laser marking machines for glass. So the question is, how is the glass marked with a UV laser marking machine? Is it better to choose UV laser marking for glass material date marking? Let’s introduce it in detail below, let’s take a look with the editor. !


UV laser marking machine for glass

How to mark glass with UV laser marking machine?


There are many types of marking machines, and few of them need to type directly on plexiglass. The reason is that plexiglass itself is a light-transmitting material and has a high energy transmission rate. There are several ways to successfully type on plexiglass. These are the processing methods of ordinary marking machines, if you have a laser specifically marking on plexiglass, you don't need it.

Apply easy-to-scrub paint on the place that needs to be marked, such as the gouache paint for advertising color. This is cheap and easy to clean (be careful not to apply too thick). Use the paint to absorb energy to achieve the purpose of marking. After marking, wet the towel It's clean with one wipe.


Mark on the board with high laser absorption rate, and then pass through the plexiglass to mark down


Generally, plexiglass does not have a protective film. You can use a little more energy to mark on the protective film, and then tear it off after marking (not every material is suitable). The marking side is pressed on a plate with high laser absorption rate, and then it is marked down through the plexiglass, using the reflected heat to produce the mark (this method is not recommended, it is troublesome, and the success rate is very low).


Is it better to choose UV laser marking for date marking on glass materials?


First, the wavelength of the UV laser marking machine is 355nm. The extremely small wavelength determines that it has high beam quality, small spot size, and can achieve the ultra-fine marking requirements of glass products, and its small characters can reach 0.2mm.

Second, the UV laser marking machine has a relatively high absorption rate for various materials, which means that it can be used on products of many different materials, including glass, metal and special materials. .

Third, the thermal influence of the UV laser marking machine on the processed object is negligible. When the heat-affected area is small, there will be no thermal effect, and there will be no material deformation or deformation due to the high energy of the laser beam. It is the occurrence of scorching.

Fourth, in the appearance design, the upper and lower sliding doors are closed processing, and the high-quality special filter protective plexiglass is used to make a special observation window, which creates an excellent protection performance for the ultraviolet laser marking equipment.

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La tecnología avanza constantemente. Ahora, muchos productos frágiles e instrumentos de precisión pueden grabarse con máquinas de marcado láser. Lo anterior se trata de "cómo marcar el vidrio con una máquina de marcado láser UV y la mejor oportunidad de elegir el marcado láser UV para el marcado de la fecha del material de vidrio". Espero que el contenido anterior pueda ser útil para todos.

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