3W,5W,10W uv laser

¿Cuánto cuesta la tela de la máquina de corte por láser verde de 532 nm?

Oct 09 , 2021

¿ Cuánto cuesta la tela de la máquina de corte por láser verde de 532 nm ?


La máquina de corte por láser es ampliamente utilizada en el corte de telas. No solo puede resolver el proceso de corte de tela convencional, sino que también puede resolver fácilmente el punzonado, ahuecado y otros procesos de tela. La aplicación de la tecnología láser en los tejidos ha madurado. Por supuesto, con la popularidad de las máquinas láser en la industria textil, el precio también ha sufrido cambios importantes. Desde el alto precio de la máquina de corte por láser de tela cuando salió al mercado por primera vez, hasta el poder adquisitivo que casi todos tienen ahora, el precio de la máquina de corte por láser de tela ya no es inalcanzable.

uv laser | green laser | Ultraviolet lasers | uv dpss laser | nanosecond laser | UV laser source | Solid State Lasers

Fabric laser cutting machine price


Of course, the current price is still concerned by many people. I will introduce the price composition of our fabric laser cutting machine (RFH laser manufacturer) in detail today. First of all, its work surface determines its price. The conventional work surfaces of RFH laser cutting machine are: 600*400mm, 900*600mm, 1300*1000mm, 1600*1000mm, 1600*1000mm, 1300*2500mm, 1600*3000mm, etc. Of course, the larger the tabletop, the higher the price. After all, the price difference between a small machine with a size of 0.6*0.4m and a fabric laser cutting bed with a size of 1.6*3m is understandable. The overall price is about 2.2W~6.5W. Secondly, the price of one head and two heads and four cutting heads are different. The price of each cutting head differs by about 3,000 yuan. Finally, the core accessories The choice of laser is different, and the price is also slightly different. Of course, the above is explained from the big point. From the small point, every accessory such as a screw, a machine frame, a lens, etc., and after-sales service of the manufacturer are all It is closely related to the price of fabric laser cutting machine. Don't ask why your machine is more expensive than others? Expensive naturally makes sense. There is naturally a difference in quality between 20 yuan clothes and 2,000 yuan clothes.


RFH green laser cutting


The editor often meets many customers and rushes to say "your fabric-cutting machine has a lot of money""???" The editor is confused, how many sizes do I need to cut? How many countertops are needed? How much power is needed? How many heads? You need to confirm with us before you can quote the final detailed price. If you are interested in the price of fabric laser cutting machine, please contact our business manager for the final detailed quotation.

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