10W-15W uv laser

Productos plásticos de marcado láser UV de nanosegundos con alta velocidad de procesamiento

Aug 05 , 2022

Productos plásticos de marcado láser UV de nanosegundos con alta velocidad de procesamiento


Hoy en día, los plásticos se han convertido en los materiales de embalaje más utilizados, y las marcas como marcas comerciales, códigos de barras y números en los productos de plástico se utilizan para la identificación. Por lo general, se utilizan métodos de procesamiento como impresión, etiquetado, estampado en caliente y envoltura retráctil, o el procesamiento mecánico se realiza directamente sobre la superficie plástica, como estampado, grabado, punzonado, etc.



productos de plástico

The use of laser marking machine to mark the surface of plastic products is an advanced marking technology that has fast processing speed, can maintain the inherent surface characteristics of plastic products, and make text or pattern and plastic a unified whole.


Requirements for laser marking of plastic products:


1. There are wear marks on the surface of plastic products. Many people in the plastic product industry do not pay special attention to the plastic products themselves, and they need to pay more attention in the process of use. On the other hand, the material of plastic products must also be carried out in a very strict place, so that a beautiful effect can be produced on the surface of plastic products.


2. The power of the laser marking machine cannot exceed this requirement, and it can only take effect when the laser is set.


3. The power of the laser marking machine is very large, so it is necessary to be more careful in the process of processing. Only by ensuring the normal operation of the laser marking machine can the exquisite marking be obtained.


Fourth, the power of the laser marking machine is the first choice in the plastic product industry, because the plastic has high refrigeration, thermal impact, and high energy, so there are certain requirements for the processing of plastic products. . In general, the general equipment is recommended to be limited to the processing conditions under the conditions to meet the needs of large-scale storage and storage for a long time.



UV laser marking machine


The laser marking machine uses a laser beam to directly generate marks on the plastic surface, including marks, codes, characters, numbers, patterns, lines, two-dimensional codes, etc. Suntop laser marking machines can be used for permanent, fast and high-quality marking of many different types of commercial plastics such as polycarbonate, ABS, polyamide and more. Due to the short installation time, flexibility and ease of use of the laser marking machine, it is possible to carry out small batch laser marking processing in the most economical way.

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