3W,5W,10W uv laser

¿Por qué el láser ultravioleta UV de 355 nm no es adecuado para grabar metal?

Jun 27 , 2022

¿Por qué el láser ultravioleta UV de 355 nm no es adecuado para grabar metal?


¿Por qué la máquina de marcado láser UV no es adecuada para grabar metal?


En la actualidad, los modelos de máquinas de marcado por láser ampliamente utilizados en el mercado incluyen la máquina de marcado por láser de fibra, la máquina de marcado por láser ultravioleta y la máquina de marcado por láser de CO2. Estos tres tipos de modelos pueden cubrir casi todo tipo de aplicaciones de marcado y embalaje de productos. Equipo convencional de marcado láser.


Debido a los diferentes campos de aplicación, componentes básicos y principios de procesamiento, el precio de los modelos también es diferente. Por ejemplo, el precio de la máquina de marcado por láser UV es casi tres veces mayor que el de la máquina de marcado por láser de fibra.

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In terms of wavelength, UV lasers have shorter wavelengths than visible light, so they are invisible to the naked eye. Although you cannot see these laser beams, it is these short wavelengths that allow the UV laser to focus, thereby producing fine circuit characteristics while also Positioning accuracy can be maintained.


There is another important factor. In addition to the low temperature of the workpiece, the photons in the ultraviolet light allow the ultraviolet laser to be applied to large-scale PCB circuit board assemblies.


Ultraviolet laser marking machine has high absorption rate when applied to resin and copper, and also has appropriate absorption rate when processing glass. Excimer laser (wavelength 248nm) will obtain good absorption rate when processing these main materials. The differences make UV lasers the choice for a variety of PCB material applications in many industrial fields, ranging from basic circuit boards, circuit wiring, to pocket-sized embedded chips and other processes.


The computer system of the UV laser marking machine goes directly from the computer-aided design data to the processing of the circuit board, which means that there is no need for a middleman in the circuit board production process, coupled with the precise focusing ability of ultraviolet rays, which is also the use of ultraviolet laser marking in the circuit board industry. One of the reasons for the marking machine is that the UV laser marking machine is not suitable for marking metal products because the beam is small, and the effect of the marking is not as good as that of the fiber laser marking machine.

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