3W,5W,10W uv laser

¿Cuál es la diferencia entre las diferentes potencias de la fuente de marcado láser uv de precisión?

Jul 04 , 2022

What is the difference between different powers of precision uv laser marking source


Anyone who knows UV laser marking machines knows that UV laser marking machines have a lot of power, and different powers also make UV laser marking machines have different application scenarios. Today let's take a look at the difference between different power UV laser marking machines.


Ultraviolet laser marking machine is generally used for marking precision equipment. Due to the small focusing spot, small processing heat effect, and marking accuracy higher than other laser marking machines on the market, the price is relatively expensive. Common UV laser marking machine power is generally 1.5w, 3w, 5w, 10w, 15w. The power of UV laser marking machine for different products is different.


uv laser | green laser | Ultraviolet lasers | uv dpss laser | nanosecond laser | UV laser source | Solid State Lasers


1.5-5W UV equipment is mostly used for precision marking. Generally, the higher the power, the higher the price. 10-15W equipment is expensive and is mainly used for precision cutting and precision drilling. There are mainly FPC, ceramic sheets, glass sheets and other materials that are difficult to cut. When buying a UV laser marking machine, you should pay attention to the following:


1. Check whether the quality of the beam output by the laser is good, including the stability of the mode and mold;


2. Whether the output power of the laser is large enough (this is the key to the speed and effect), and whether the energy is stable (usually 2% stability is required, and 1% is required in some occasions to process the desired effect);


3. Whether the laser is reliable, it should be able to work continuously in harsh industrial processing environment;


4. Depende de si la operación es simple y conveniente, la función de las teclas de control es clara, la operación ilegal puede rechazarse y el láser está protegido contra daños;


5. Realice la prueba de marcado antes de la compra y confirme la compra después de lograr el efecto;


6. El láser en sí debe tener un buen mantenimiento, diagnóstico de fallas y funciones de enclavamiento, y el tiempo de inactividad debe ser breve.


Lo anterior es la diferencia entre las diferentes máquinas de marcado láser UV de potencia. El editor recomienda que los usuarios traten de usar equipos de 5W en la medida de lo económico que les permita comprar una máquina de marcado láser UV. En comparación con los dispositivos de 1,5 W, es más ampliable y ahorra más espacio.

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