3W,5W,10W uv laser

¿Cuál es la diferencia entre las diferentes máquinas de marcado láser UV de nanosegundos de potencia?

Oct 26 , 2021

What is the difference between different power nanosecond UV laser marking machines


We often talk about the power and power of the laser marking machine. What is the difference between the power and the power? Why do you need to buy a high-power laser marking machine? Isn’t the low-power laser marking machine cheaper? The power is actually determined according to customer needs. Marking machines with different powers are used for different needs, just as different materials use different types of laser equipment.

When consulting the marking machine, the merchant will know what material is used and what kind of effect is required. When the effect is not confirmed at all, some special materials are not able to confirm the laser marking machine with what power to use and what to use. Types of marking machines.


The high-power laser beam will be stronger, and the depth of marking on the product will be larger.


We can understand that the high-power beam will be stronger, and the depth of marking on the product will be greater. For metal materials, fiber optics, we only need to know which metal material the customer is and what depth to mark Wait for the information to determine the power used. For plastic materials, many judgments need to look at the effect, because many plastic materials only need to engrave text patterns on the surface. Generally, 3W is enough for the effect, and some materials may use 5W. High-power purple laser marking machines, there are currently other types that require femtosecond punching, etc. Of course, the purple laser marking machines above 5W are more used. Generally, 5W or purple lasers can be used on glass to be fully competent. Partially transparent glass cups There is also refraction, which will disperse a part of the beam. If the power is not enough for marking, it is difficult to make an effect. The same is true for carbon dioxide. If the leather needs to be printed and cut, the power is not enough, and the wood products can be used to confirm the power according to the engraving depth.


355nm UV laser marking machine


Therefore, the choice of laser marking machine is to meet the demand. If low power cannot meet the demand, you can only choose high power. The beam of high power marking machine will be stronger than low power, whether it is high power or low power laser marking machine. There is a maximum power and a minimum power, just like a 5W violet laser marking machine, the minimum power can be adjusted to a few tenths of a watt, and the maximum power will not be higher than 5W. If the maximum power cannot meet the demand, then you can only change to a higher power Laser marking machine, if 1-2w can meet the demand, you can also use a 5W ultraviolet laser marking machine, special needs a few tenths of a watt to produce the effect, then it is recommended to use a low-power laser marking machine, this kind of accuracy The low power adjustment error will be smaller. Because the domestic laser error will be higher than the imported laser, it is recommended to choose the imported laser for power adjustment when the effect is very demanding. The sample output is more accurate. Of course, this is only for products with special materials. , The general material requirements are high. Domestic lasers can generally meet the demand, and the price will also be greatly reduced.

láser ultravioleta  | láser verde  | láseres ultravioleta  | láser uv dpss  | láser de nanosegundos  | fuente de láser ultravioleta  | Láseres de estado sólido

La diferencia entre las diferentes máquinas de marcado láser de potencia es el efecto


La diferencia entre las diferentes máquinas de marcado láser de potencia radica en el efecto. No es alta potencia la que puede lograr buenos resultados o baja potencia no puede lograr el efecto. Debe basarse en las necesidades reales. La baja potencia puede ser útil para poca potencia, y la alta potencia tiene alta potencia. De acuerdo con la demanda de marcado, la potencia se puede juzgar de acuerdo con la profundidad y el material del marcado. Si se requiere el grado de efecto, también es necesario juzgar cuánta potencia debe usarse la máquina de marcado láser de acuerdo con el efecto. El efecto generalmente se confirma mediante prueba, y el efecto también se requiere para necesidades especiales. Para determinar qué marca de láser usar. La segunda es que cuanto mayor es la potencia de la máquina de marcado láser, más cara es. Este es un hecho concebible. Si la baja potencia puede satisfacer la demanda, se recomienda no considerar alta potencia. Si algunos productos solo pueden usar alta potencia para satisfacer la demanda, o necesitan agregar productos más tarde, no sé si se usarán máquinas de alta potencia. Se recomienda comprar máquinas de alta potencia porque la potencia se puede ajustar a la potencia más baja.

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