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Qué podemos conseguir con el Grabado Láser en Madera
Apr 11 , 2022What can we achieve with Laser Engraving on Wood
Laser engraving is a suitable and functional technique for creating permanent impressions on various materials, including fabrics, acrylics, wood, natural stones, metals, etc. From the engraving of company logos to the creation of personalized gifts, there are many things that can be imagined and put into practice with a laser machine.
Wood is a particularly popular material for its versatility and wide availability. It does not matter that it can be a bit difficult to work with since with the laser everything becomes easier and it is possible to easily engrave both soft, hard or varnished woods to create handicrafts, souvenirs, plates, furnishing accessories, toys and much more.
How does laser engraving work on wood
So how do you laser engrave wood? Well, laser engravings on wood take place more or less like with other materials: a laser beam is passed on the material by heating it and vaporizing it.
The result is a smooth, clean and perfect engraving that cannot be imitated by other woodworking equipment. The main difference between laser engraving on wood and other materials is that in wood it is usually a process of sublimation.
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This means that when the laser beam is passed over the material, it is converted directly by combustion from a solid state to a gaseous state. The process occasionally creates very normal smoke in the processing area during laser engraving.
Since wood is a natural element, it has a lot of imperfections that can be problematic during engraving; it is also necessary to take into account the density and resin content of the chosen wood.
Laser engraving machine on wood
Engraving settings and types
Luckily, once you accumulate a bit of experience and adjust the settings of the laser wood machine appropriately, in terms of power and speed according to the different types of wood, the result will always be perfect engravings.
Being a fairly malleable material, not only is it easy to carry out laser engraving and cutting of wood, but it is possible to work with many varieties, shapes and sizes.
For best results, the lens must be properly focused. In terms of color, the most common laser engraving on wood is brown, but it is also possible to obtain a white engraving compared to the usual brownish color simply by setting the laser, consequently, with very low power and high speed.
On the contrary, if you want to obtain a laser engraving on very dark wood, just set the beam out of focus (between 0.5 and 2 mm), in doing so the laser will have a wider trace and a lower power density. The result is always extremely elegant and represents a real "work of art" of laser printing on wood.
The settings of the wood laser engraver and the type of wood used determine the result of the project. We will see later the other important factors to consider when engraving on wood.
Close Up Laser Machine - Laser Engraving and Cutting on Wood
How to choose the most suitable wood
The type of wood you intend to cut is of the utmost importance when working with the laser. For example, a bamboo cutting board cannot be engraved in the same way as an oak barrel.
Ideally, soft woods such as sequoia, western red cedar, southern yellow pine and balsa do not require high laser power to engrave and can be processed more quickly, thus producing clearer engravings.
The other side of the coin is represented by high density hardwoods such as Brazilian ebony and snakewood which require greater laser power for cutting and engraving, which results in dark engravings. Ultimately, the type of wood used will affect the final result.
Most CO2 lasers can handle the engraving processes of different types of wood such as plywood, chipboard, cork, teak, solid wood, cherry, maple and oak. Depending on the type of wood, one wood laser cutting machine is also able to cut an element with a thickness of up to 20 mm.
In addition to the type of wood, it is also important to consider the resin content. The color of the laser marking on wood will be lighter or darker depending on this factor.
When the resin content is low, the laser beam vaporizes the wood and leaves a minimal burn. If the resin content is high, the laser beam will consume the resin and dig deeper into the wood causing a darker burn.
Cherry and alder are two varieties of wood with a high resin content. Both are excellent for engraving projects, however cherry tends to have a high level of streaking which, as we'll see below, isn't an ideal feature.
Laser Engraving on Wood - Laser Machine at work
Other aspects to consider for laser engraving on wood
In addition to the type of wood and its resin content, there are other equally important factors that are worth mentioning for laser engraving:
Engaving parameters
As seen above, if you want a darker engraving on wood, you can increase the blur of the laser beam even if in this way you lose some details at the engraving level.
Preparation of the material
To avoid the formation of a lump of sticky dust on the engraved object (which can easily cause the machine to malfunction), an application tape can be glued on the work surface which will act as a temporary protective layer. Once you have finished engraving, simply remove the tape and clean the object. Application tape is ideal when it comes to engraving large surfaces.
Use the right optics
Elegir la óptica correcta combinada con un enfoque preciso es esencial para el correcto proceso de sublimación. La regla general es usar una distancia focal más corta en la lente para obtener detalles más finos. Una lente de 1,5 a 2,0 pulgadas será perfecta para la mayoría de las tareas de grabado en madera. Cuanto más gruesa sea la madera, mayor debe ser la distancia focal de la lente.
Aire comprimido
El aire comprimido es muy recomendable cuando se realiza en un corte por láser de madera porque elimina instantáneamente el gas y el polvo y mejora la calidad del corte por láser.
La limpieza del hardware y la óptica del láser tiene un impacto directo en la funcionalidad de la máquina láser. El polvo de madera está cargado de aceites y resinas que lo hacen muy pegajoso y cuando se deposita en la máquina, no pasará mucho tiempo antes de que deje de funcionar correctamente. Por lo tanto, es necesario limpiar periódicamente la grabadora láser para madera.
Las vetas pueden ser hermosas en las cebras, pero no lo son en la madera para el grabado con láser, ya que desvían el enfoque del procesamiento, por lo que se recomienda elegir madera con vetas mínimas y una veta suave y uniforme que tenga vetas nominales alternas oscuras y oscuras. luz. Cualquier grabado realizado sobre este tipo de madera parece detallado y más ligero que uno realizado sobre una madera con un alto nivel de vetas.
color madera
Lo mejor es trabajar con madera más clara. En general, la madera oscura hace que sea bastante difícil ver o reconocer los grabados, mientras que la madera más clara desarrolla una atractiva quemadura oscura con un nivel óptimo de visibilidad.
Para más información sobre aplicaciones láser en otros materiales ligeros:
Marcaje, Grabado y Corte Láser sobre Vidrio
Grabado láser sobre piedra, mármol y granito
Grabado y marcado láser sobre plástico
Marcaje y Grabado Láser sobre Acero
¿Qué se puede crear con grabado láser en madera?
La madera es el material perfecto para el grabado láser de artículos de regalo personalizados. A través de la tecnología de grabado láser es posible crear piezas únicas grabando nombres, logos, imágenes y diseños en productos de madera.
Estas piezas pueden incluir:
tablas de cortar,
incrustaciones para armarios,
cajas de puros,
instrumentos musicales,
patinetas y mucho más.
Por lo tanto, el grabado láser de madera es cada vez más demandado porque aumenta el valor de los objetos, además de garantizar resultados extraordinariamente impresionantes y ser relativamente fácil de realizar.
Por lo tanto, el grabado láser de madera es cada vez más demandado porque aumenta el valor de los objetos, además de garantizar resultados extraordinariamente impresionantes y ser relativamente fácil de realizar.