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What are the main types of laser 3D printing technology?

Dec 08 , 2023

What are the main types of laser 3D printing technology?

UV laser curing means use a laser to harden a UV-sensitive resin

Laser 3D printing technology mainly has the following types:

1. Powder sintering method: This method uses high-power lasers to sinter powdered materials into three-dimensional objects. During the sintering process, a laser beam scans against computer-generated model data, causing the powder to sinter into a solid at the focal point.


2. Light curing method: This method uses a laser beam to irradiate liquid photosensitive resin to quickly solidify it into a solid. During the stereolithography process, a laser beam scans against computer-generated model data, solidifying the object layer by layer.


3. Fused deposition modeling method: This method uses high-power lasers to melt metals, plastics and other materials and deposit them layer by layer according to computer-generated model data. During the deposition process, a laser beam scans against model data, causing the material to build up layer by layer into a three-dimensional object.


The above are the main types of laser 3D printing technology. They have their own advantages and limitations in different materials and applications.

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