3W,5W,10W uv laser

¿Cuáles son las ventajas de la fuente de láser uv de 355 nm y la máquina de marcado láser de fibra?

Jun 23 , 2022

¿Cuáles son las ventajas de la fuente de láser uv de 355 nm y la máquina de marcado láser de fibra?


En el campo de las máquinas de marcado láser, las máquinas de marcado láser UV y las máquinas de marcado láser de fibra son las más utilizadas. ¿Cuáles son las ventajas de las dos máquinas de marcado láser? Hoy, Bot Laser le dará una breve introducción:


En términos de longitud de onda, los láseres UV tienen longitudes de onda más cortas que la luz visible, por lo que son invisibles a simple vista. Si bien no puede ver estos rayos láser, son estas longitudes de onda cortas las que permiten que los láseres UV se enfoquen con mayor precisión, produciendo características de circuito extremadamente finas y manteniendo una excelente precisión de posicionamiento.


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Another important factor is that, in addition to the lower temperature of the workpiece, the presence of high-energy photons in the ultraviolet light allows the ultraviolet laser to be applied to large PCB circuit board assemblies, from standard materials such as FR4 to high-frequency ceramic composite materials and polyimide including polyimide. Various materials such as flexible PCB materials are suitable. Absorptivity of three common PCB materials under the action of six different lasers. The six lasers include an excimer laser (248 nm wavelength), an infrared laser (1064 nm wavelength), and two CO2 lasers (9.4 μm and 10.6 μm wavelengths, respectively). Ultraviolet laser (Nd:YAG, wavelength 355nm) is a rare laser with uniform absorption among the three materials.


Ultraviolet laser marking machine shows extremely high absorption rate when applied to resin and copper, and also has appropriate absorption rate when processing glass. Only expensive excimer lasers (wavelength 248nm) get better overall absorption when processing these primary materials. This material difference makes UV lasers the best choice for a variety of PCB material applications in many industrial fields, from the production of the most basic circuit boards, circuit wiring, to advanced processes such as the production of pocket-sized embedded chips.​​


The computer system of the UV laser marking machine goes directly from the computer-aided design data to the processing of the circuit board, which means that no middleman is required in the circuit board production process. Combined with the precise focusing capabilities of the UV, UV laser systems can implement very specific solutions and repeat positioning. It can be said that the positioning is accurate, which is also a necessary requirement of the circuit board industry.

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