3W,5W,10W uv laser

Láser UV DPSS protege al personal médico y Feliz Día de la Enfermera 5.12

Aug 16 , 2021

El láser RFH contribuye a la producción y procesamiento de mascarillas

La "batalla" de la neumonía de la nueva corona afecta el corazón de todos en el país. Como una de las fuerzas principales de las máscaras de "batalla", ha representado escenas de personas en movimiento. Los chinos de todo el mundo donan mascarillas y las empresas de mascarillas trabajan horas extras. Agregue algunas máscaras de producción y transfiéralas a máscaras de producción si cumplen las condiciones... Kaki Kaji, detrás de las máscaras está la producción ininterrumpida de máquinas de máscaras de alta velocidad. El láser RFH también forma parte de la producción y el procesamiento de máscaras.


Ropa de protección para corte por láser

En la lista de escasez de material al comienzo de la epidemia, había una grave escasez de ropa de protección médica. Para prevenir la epidemia y hacer frente a la escasez, las empresas que tienen las condiciones para cambiar a ropa de protección médica han pasado a fabricar ropa de protección. Una de las telas para hacer ropa de protección es la tela no tejida. Primero, la tela no tejida debe cortarse en secciones y la tela no tejida cortada se envía a otros procesos en el taller. Los trabajadores son como sastres, usando estos materiales especiales para hacer una pieza de ropa protectora.

uv laser | green laser | Ultraviolet lasers | uv dpss laser | nanosecond laser | UV laser source | Solid State Lasers

The laser cutting machine gives more possibilities for the processing of protective clothing fabrics

In terms of the processing efficiency and processing quality of protective clothing fabrics, laser cutting machines have more advanced cutting technology. The traditional knife-die cutting and cutting process is complicated, the labor cost is high, and there are inevitably low processing accuracy, easy to fall off the line and other phenomena. However, the laser cutting process can be easily dealt with. With its advantages of high precision, no contact, smooth cut, no rough edges, can cut arbitrary complex shapes, and eliminates the hemming process, it gives more possibilities for the processing of protective clothing fabrics.


Laser marking mask anti-counterfeiting identification code

"A cover is hard to find" is still visible to us, the face full of strangled marks on the back of the mask is still visible. Countless medical staff stood on the front line to fight the epidemic at the beginning of the shortage of supplies, risking the risk of infection. They insist on not changing the masks when they can no longer be used, but some illegal businesses are eager to produce a large number of fake masks and sell them to the frontline of the anti-epidemic. Faced with the influx of fake masks into the market, as a justice ambassador for mask anti-counterfeiting and safety, the laser marking process allows you to easily distinguish between genuine and fake masks.


Laser cutting protective mask

The protective mask is the last line of defense for medical staff to block the invasion of the new crown virus. It can completely block the frontal contact of the virus. At the same time, the advantage of the protective mask is that it can be manufactured quickly, and can be disassembled, disinfected and reused after being worn by the user. During the epidemic, we knew that materials were scarce and the demand was great, so reuse is necessary.


Laser cutting machine has smooth cutting edges without burrs

After computer software drawing, the high-speed, efficient and environmentally friendly laser cutting machine can complete the cutting and perforation of any shape of the protective mask in a few seconds, and the cutting edge is smooth and burr-free, so there is no need to worry about scratching the face and hands when using it. Sweat soaked the clothes in your protective clothing, and the mask made deep marks on your faces. In the name of angels, you shouldered the morality of saving the dead and healing the wounded, warmed the soul with your heart, built a solid line of life defense, and shouldered the responsibility and mission in ordinary positions.


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