3W,5W,10W uv laser

Láseres ultravioleta que marcan cucharas y palillos masculinos, sin contaminación

Aug 10 , 2021

Ultraviolet lasers marking male spoon and chopsticks, no pollution


The prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic has enhanced everyone's awareness of hygiene in daily life. Among them, many places have issued recommendations to promote the use of public spoons and chopsticks, which will help prevent the spread of saliva on the dining table, prevent cross-infection of viruses and bacteria from the source, and achieve scientific prevention and effective prevention and control of the epidemic.


Chopsticks are items that we must use in our daily diet. As we all know, all those related to the catering industry need to be extra cautious and pay attention to environmental protection and hygiene issues.


The printing method of traditional chopsticks is usually ink method, which often results in uneven printing, falling off of the words, and not enough environmental protection and health.

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It is not a good choice for the chopstick manufacturing industry, and it is gradually eliminated by manufacturers and processors, and slowly begins to use laser marking machines.

El proceso de marcado láser es más ecológico y respetuoso con el medio ambiente que la impresión con tinta. La máquina de marcado láser tiene un rendimiento estable y una operación simple. No necesita consumir demasiada mano de obra y recursos materiales. Con sus ventajas de alta velocidad, alta calidad y alta eficiencia, mejora los problemas de higiene y seguridad en la punta de la lengua. .

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