3W,5W,10W uv laser

La diferencia entre la refrigeración por agua y la refrigeración por aire de una fuente de láser UV de 5W

Jun 22 , 2022

The difference between water cooling and air cooling of 5W UV laser source


The laser marking machine uses a laser beam to permanently mark the surface of various substances. The effect of marking is to expose the deep material through the evaporation of the surface material, so as to engrave exquisite patterns, trademarks and characters. Laser marking machines are mainly divided into CO2 laser marking machines, semiconductor laser marking machines, and fiber laser marking machines. And YAG laser marking machine, laser marking machine is mainly used in some occasions requiring finer and higher precision. Used in electronic components, integrated circuits (IC), electrical appliances, mobile communications, hardware products, tool accessories, precision instruments, glasses and clocks, jewelry, auto parts, plastic buttons, building materials, PVC pipes.

The most common laser marking machines on the market are mainly CO2 laser marking machines and YAG laser marking machines. Later, YAG laser marking machines were gradually replaced by semiconductor laser marking machines, becoming the laser marking machine with the largest market share. There are also high-end end-pumped laser marking machines, fiber laser marking machines, ultraviolet laser marking machines, etc.

So, what are the differences and precautions between water cooling and air cooling for laser marking machines?


uv laser | green laser | Ultraviolet lasers | uv dpss laser | nanosecond laser | UV laser source | Solid State Lasers

The difference between water cooling and air cooling of laser marking machine and the analysis of matters needing attention:

The cooling equipment of laser marking machine adopts water cooling or air cooling, which mainly depends on the power of the equipment itself. The functions of water cooling and air cooling are the same, and they both play a cooling role to ensure the normal operation of the laser marking machine. For example, the power of semiconductor laser marking machine is relatively large, generally water-cooled, and the cooling capacity of water-cooling is larger, and the disadvantage of water-cooling is that the volume is relatively large. Air-cooling is generally suitable for low-power CO2 marking machines, fiber laser marking machines, UV marking machines, etc. The air-cooling volume is small and the cooling capacity is ideal.

In fact, whether it is water cooling or air cooling, the laser marking machine transmitter and Q drive are generally cooled. Generally high-power laser equipment, the heat emitted by the laser is relatively large, so it is cooled by circulating water. For example, optical fiber and low-power CO2 have relatively small power (basically no more than 50W), so the heat of the laser is not large, and it can be cooled by air cooling, which not only condenses the volume of the equipment, but also reduces the power consumption of the equipment. .

Precautions for operating the laser marking machine:

When the laser marking machine is processing, it is strictly forbidden to carry out idling and random debugging of the power supply. It must be operated according to the actual situation; the laser marking machine of the semiconductor series must not be produced and debugged when the water tank is not running or there is no water. Because the laser machines of the semiconductor series are high-temperature thermal processing, cooling without water may have serious consequences.

En el proceso de operación, si hay un fenómeno anormal, la alimentación debe apagarse a tiempo y se debe realizar una serie de inspecciones y mantenimiento después de que el espejo vibratorio deja de funcionar; si se trata de una máquina de marcado láser de la serie co2 y semiconductores, debe realizarse de acuerdo con la secuencia de conmutación. operación para evitar daños causados ​​por un mal funcionamiento; ya sea que se trate de una máquina de marcado láser refrigerada por agua o por aire, se debe limpiar la suciedad dentro del tanque de agua o del ventilador, y se debe realizar un trabajo de limpieza regular, de modo que la máquina de marcado láser no solo tenga un buen funcionamiento también mejora en gran medida la vida útil del equipo, asegurando un buen funcionamiento.

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