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The difference between green laser and infrared laser

Dec 08 , 2023

The difference between green laser and infrared laser

When talking about green lasers and infrared lasers, the main difference between them is the wavelength of laser light they emit.

First, let's learn about infrared lasers. Infrared lasers emit laser wavelengths in the infrared range. This type of laser is commonly used in a variety of applications


Next up is the green laser. Green lasers emit laser wavelengths within the green light range. Compared with infrared lasers, green lasers have higher brightness and wider uses. For example, they can be used in medical, scientific research, industry, communications and other fields, as well as in holographic imaging, optical storage and night vision equipment.


In addition to wavelength, green lasers and infrared lasers differ in other ways. For example, they differ in structure, working principle, materials and cost.



In general, the difference between green lasers and infrared lasers lies in the wavelength of the laser they emit, their application range, their structure and working principle. Depending on the application needs, the appropriate laser type can be selected to meet the requirements.

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