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Láser UV bombeado por diodos serie ST FOTON 355nm
May 30 , 2023ST FOTON Series Diode Pumped UV Laser 355nm
In order to meet the requirements of precise processing in industrial, we developed a 355nm end-pumped Q-switched laser. The adoption of water cooled system allows laser source to have stable performance, smaller size, compact structure and low power consumption. The output laser beam is the fundamental mode, the beam quality is good, and the peak power is high, which can meet most industrial precision processing requirements. The product is provided with either all-in-one pack or individual pack for your needs.
Thanks to the integrated design, the product has compact structure, small size, light weight, low power consumption, stable operation over time and good beam quality. The laser's driver has a simple design and a user-friendly operation interface. It is extremely convenient for user to install and debug it, besides user also can
Como fabricante líder de láser industrial de estado sólido, la empresa de láser RFH ofrece láser ultravioleta de 355 nm, láser verde de 532 nm y láser personalizado para una amplia gama de aplicaciones comerciales, industriales y científicas.
Códigos QR de círculo de perforación láser uv de alta potencia RFH en acero inoxidable
El láser UV DPSS de la serie Expert III 355, desarrollado y producido por RFH, cubre 10w-15w de potencia láser con ancho de pulso corto (<20ns@40K), calidad de haz superior (M²<1.2) y calidad de punto de láser perfecta (circularidad del haz >90 %). Es ampliamente utilizado en el corte de PE/PCB/FPC, corte de vidrio y zafiro, taladrado, trazado y corte utilizado en áreas de micromaquinado de alta precisión.