3W,5W,10W uv laser

RFH D9-355 UV Laser: Revolutionizing Precision Marking on Plastic

Nov 15 , 2024

The RFH D9-355 UV laser has revolutionized the field of plastic precision marking. Traditional methods often failed to achieve the desired results when it came to creating small, intricate holes on precision-engineered plastic parts. However, the RFH D9-355 UV laser has provided a solution to this long-standing challenge.

Operating at a low power of 0.5 watts, the RFH D9-355 UV laser efficiently achieves high-quality dark marking on the surface of plastic components, even those with micro-sized round holes. This breakthrough technology has brought an innovative solution to the manufacturing industry. 

One notable feature of the RFH D9-355 UV laser is its short wavelength and high focusing precision. This enables the laser to achieve micron-level accuracy during the marking process. Moreover, as a non-contact processing method, it eliminates the risk of mechanical stress and damage to the materials. The stability and reliability of the RFH D9-355 UV laser, coupled with its digital control capabilities, contribute to its versatility and adaptability in various applications.

Precision marking on plastic has always posed a challenge for manufacturers, but with the RFH D9-355 UV laser, a new era of possibilities has emerged. Its ability to create minute, intricate designs on plastic components has opened doors for industries that rely on precision manufacturing.

In conclusion, the RFH D9-355 UV laser has become a game-changer in the field of plastic precision marking. Its high efficiency, accuracy, non-contact nature, and flexibility make it the ideal choice for manufacturers seeking innovative solutions. With the RFH D9-355 UV laser, the future of precise plastic marking has never been brighter.

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