3W,5W,10W uv laser

La máquina de marcado con láser de nanosegundos dominará todo el mercado de la industria de la codificación en el futuro

Oct 08 , 2021

Nanosecond Lasers marking machine will dominate the entire coding industry market in the future


As industry demand affects manufacturers' purchasing trends, manufacturers need to increase the speed of production lines (or even increase the number of production lines) to meet the growing demand for fast-moving consumer goods while maximizing output. High-end manufacturers will not significantly increase the capacity of their production lines, because too many changes may lead to errors.


Laser marking machine is the only coding technology that only needs electricity without any consumables


Therefore, they only increase the speed of the production line and may add a second production line if necessary. As always, cost is an important factor, and it is important to consider what type of coding technology to use. For example, inkjet printers and thermal transfer printers (TTO) require consumables such as inks/solvents and ribbons. The laser marking machine is the only coding technology that only requires electricity without any consumables. With the increase in production, laser marking has entered the vision of cost-conscious manufacturers.


Traceability of UV laser marking products


Manufacturers are concerned about legal issues related to product quality, brand management, and reputation impact that may occur and lead to product recalls and destruction, which are likely to lead to costly results. From the point of view of coding, traceability is crucial, because in this way can the correctness of product information be guaranteed.

However, retailers are more concerned about their logistics chain. They want it to be as simple as possible so that products can be fully traceable while continuing to use their existing labeling system. Manufacturers and retailers use their own systems to define the constituent elements of variable coding. Therefore, manufacturers of print labeling systems need to understand what customers need to determine whether they need a high-quality QR code printer or an efficient system that can achieve traceability.

Consumers are mainly concerned about product quality and integrity. Therefore, product information must be clear and readable, including information such as shelf life.



The increasing number of encoded content means that the space capacity of the laser marking machine's print head must be sufficient to meet the demand. Therefore, as the number of characters to be identified increases, time optimization takes precedence over other requirements. From packaging to labeling, it is an important aspect that is indispensable for companies to improve. External packaging can reflect the prominence of our products in similar products, and make it easier for users to remember us. Knowing that we will choose us next time, get Reliable and stable feeling, these results undoubtedly require a lot of brand building, and the marking effect of laser marking machine, from one aspect, can greatly enhance product awareness and enhance corporate brand image.

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355nm UV laser is especially suitable for the fields with high requirements for fineness, depth and smoothness


As a modern precision processing method, laser marking machine has unparalleled advantages compared with traditional processing methods such as printing, mechanical scribing, and EDM. Laser marking equipment has the performances of maintenance-free, adjustment-free, and high reliability. It is especially suitable for fields with high requirements for fineness, depth and smoothness. Therefore, it is widely used in the luxury goods industry. The metal products that can be processed include iron, copper, Stainless steel, gold, alloys, aluminum, silver and all metal oxides. Yu label marking machine has always been guided by the needs of users, relying on strong technical force, based on the principle of providing users with the most advanced and most suitable products, and tailoring the best products for users.


With the continuous development of the food industry and frequent food safety issues, how manufacturers can improve the quality of Chinese food and win back consumer confidence is an urgent task before us. At present, the coding machine is the basis and important guarantee for realizing the traceability of food safety. As an important equipment in the food industry, the coding machine is increasingly used in various industries.


The laser coding machine has been widely used in the industry for its unique non-paintable anti-counterfeiting.


For products that need to be printed on the production line, it must be clear and fast. In fact, the requirements for the coding machine are very high. How to make the coding machine better complete the printing without affecting the production is the direction that coding equipment manufacturers have been constantly innovating. The coding equipment is the key to the establishment of the product's personalized characteristics and the display of the unique personality of the product through the packaging, which is the key to enterprises to win consumers. In order to prevent counterfeiting in the same industry and effectively manage regional sales, manufacturers will use high-tech anti-counterfeiting methods to identify their products. At this stage, food companies generally use coding machines, and some problems continue to emerge: such as the large amount of consumables, the high cost, the need for professional maintenance personnel, the easy erasure and modification of the marking effect, and the high pollution. The use of laser coding machines for marking has been widely used in the industry due to its unique non-smearable anti-counterfeiting properties.


Laser marking machine as a modern precision processing method


As a modern precision processing method, laser marking machine has unparalleled advantages compared with traditional processing methods such as printing, mechanical scribing, and EDM. Laser marking equipment has the performances of maintenance-free, adjustment-free, and high reliability. It is especially suitable for fields with high requirements for fineness, depth and smoothness. Therefore, it is widely used in the luxury goods industry. The metal products that can be processed include iron, copper, Stainless steel, gold, alloys, aluminum, silver and all metal oxides.


The text and graphics marked by laser are not only clear and precise, but also cannot be erased or modified


La máquina de marcado láser puede marcar varias palabras, números de serie, números de productos, códigos de barras, códigos QR, fechas de producción, etc. en anillos de diamantes de lujo de alta gama y productos de hardware, y la hora, la fecha o el número de serie y el número de producto pueden ser automáticamente saltado El texto y los gráficos marcados con láser no solo son claros y precisos, sino que tampoco se pueden borrar ni modificar. Esto es muy beneficioso para la calidad del producto y el seguimiento del canal, y puede prevenir de manera efectiva las ventas de productos caducados, la lucha contra la falsificación y el cruce de existencias.


La máquina de codificación láser de alimentos liderará el mercado futuro


El uso de equipos de máquinas de marcado láser para establecer un sistema de trazabilidad de la inocuidad de los alimentos es una medida importante para garantizar la inocuidad de los alimentos. Es un sistema de gestión de base tecnológica que aprovecha las ventajas técnicas propias y la experiencia del sector para impulsar el sistema de soporte técnico del sistema de trazabilidad de la calidad e inocuidad de los alimentos. Desarrollar, realizar la estandarización científica y la trazabilidad de la seguridad alimentaria y proteger eficazmente la salud de los consumidores. Las máquinas de codificación láser de alimentos liderarán el mercado futuro y mejorarán la competitividad de los alimentos de mi país en el mercado internacional.

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