3W,5W,10W uv laser

La fuente de láser de nanosegundos apunta al procesamiento ultrafino

Jun 23 , 2022

nanosecond laser source targets ultra-fine processing


In recent years, with the rapid development of laser technology, the application of laser technology in different fields has been gradually expanded, and it is widely used in many aspects of current processing. more possibilities.


Now the application of laser technology emerges one after another, and various new applications continue to appear. The rapidly developing laser technology is gradually infiltrating many aspects of processing and manufacturing. In the current field of precision machining, the application of UV laser marking machines is also increasingly widespread. The UV laser processing process is called the "photo-erosion" effect. High-energy photons directly destroy the chemical bonds of materials through "cold" treatment. The processed materials Has smooth edges and minimal carbonation. Therefore, the UV laser marking machine is very suitable for the current fine processing, and its excellent performance is accepted by many industries, and it has become an important processing method in the field of precision processing. The ultraviolet laser has a very small focus and a small heat-affected zone, so it will not affect the surrounding materials of the marked surface during processing. The small laser beam also meets the current needs of fine processing and processing in special fields. , is the first choice for customers in areas with high marking effect.

láser ultravioleta  | láser verde  | Láseres ultravioleta  | láser uv dpss  | láser de nanosegundos  | fuente de láser ultravioleta  | Láseres de estado sólido

Al mismo tiempo, la máquina de marcado láser UV tiene una amplia gama de aplicaciones y puede realizar un marcado fino en la mayoría de los materiales. La velocidad de procesamiento es rápida, la eficiencia es alta y la estabilidad de toda la máquina es buena. Puede cumplir con la producción en masa y las operaciones optimizadas. asistente poderoso. Ha jugado un papel importante en el campo del procesamiento fino actual, brindándonos una solución rápida y eficiente para el procesamiento fino actual.

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