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Grabado láser en joyas: rapidez, precisión y eficacia

Apr 11 , 2022

Laser engraving on jewels: speed, precision and efficiency


Laser engraving on jewels

As is happening in many other areas, also in the fashion and jewelry sector, laser systems have supplanted traditional and mechanical methods to carry out various processing operations such as marking, cutting and engraving.


A great variety of materials such as gold, silver and diamonds, and of objects such as rings, bracelets and watches are now processed thanks to laser engraving systems.


What can be engraved with the laser

The professionals who work in the jewelry sector are among the most demanding in terms of quality and precision of the workmanship to guarantee their customers an extremely refined and elegant product.

This is why traditional marking methods such as mechanical engraving, etching, pad printing or chemical engraving have been supplanted by the use of lasers which are used on materials such as gold, silver, platinum, copper, etc. bronze, titanium, aluminum, stainless steel, but also glass and a wide range of coated metals.


Laser engraving on jewelry allows you to create texts and decorations on watches and jewelry such as bracelets, with personalized messages, and guaranteeing extremely precise and fast processing at all times, which also reduces production costs.

Marcado de fuente de láser verde de 532 nm en botellas de vidrio

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The laser engraving of wedding rings allows for example to personalize the rings with the name of the spouse and the date of the wedding, but the laser is used more and more for creative and design purposes since it allows to engrave even entire sentences, shapes, motifs, photos, logos and barcodes on the chosen




Jeweler working with luxury jewelry 

How does laser engraving on jewelry work

In practice, laser engraving performs a deep marking of the precious metal that penetrates the surface by removing an infinitesimal part of it and thus creating the relief on which it is possible to read a number, a letter or see an image.

The laser beam heats the area on which it is focused, also causing a discoloration of the area where the jewelry is engraved, so the marking is even sharper.


With the right power, the laser is also able to engrave and cut thin metals or create intricate designs for the elaboration of elegant necklaces and bracelets, while another laser process, welding, allows you to assemble pieces that are different from each other and made up of materials. different or to carry out precise jewelry repairs.


Laser engraving on jewels is a technique that does not need further processing on the object after being applied or a preparation of the material, so it is quick and safe and allows you to engrave watches, necklaces, bracelets and rings in a very short time. and with a high definition result.


The advantages of laser engraving on jewelry

The laser systems allow you to make extremely precise cuts and engravings on jewels, which allows you to have refined, elegant results with a very high level of finish.

Las fuentes de pulsos ultracortos permiten trabajar los más variados materiales en sectores como la relojería, el micrograbado de precisión o realizar operaciones avanzadas como el micromarcado de códigos de identificación.


El láser utilizado por un operador experto es una técnica segura, precisa y exacta para realizar el grabado y que no daña en lo más mínimo la joya.


El marcado láser es indeleble y no necesita retoques, por lo que resiste al paso del tiempo ya la acción de los agentes químicos y atmosféricos.


Los costes asociados al uso de maquinaria láser que puede utilizar fibra o fuentes láser Nd:YAG son extremadamente bajos, con material de desecho prácticamente reducido a cero y una gran velocidad de procesamiento.


Grabado láser sobre diamante talla brillante de 0,45 ct

Grabado láser sobre diamantes: el certificado de garantía

Cuando compras una joya también haces una inversión y necesitas tener las garantías adecuadas sobre lo que estás comprando. El grabado láser sobre diamantes sirve precisamente para garantizar el origen de este bien.

Los diamantes pueden considerarse un activo de refugio seguro y, por lo general, se compran en contenedores sellados electrónicamente.


La garantía sobre su origen está certificada gracias a un grabado láser que se realiza sobre el diamante y es invisible a simple vista.


Este grabado representa el certificado de garantía y certifica su valor. Los diamantes certificados con láser son reconocidos por muy pocas organizaciones en el mundo que tienen esta facultad, incluido el Instituto Gemológico de América y el Hoge Raad voor Diamant.


Del mismo modo, el grabado láser en el cristal de los relojes finos permite personalizar este objeto con exquisitas decoraciones sin correr el riesgo de que se produzcan microfisuras.


El grabado también sirve como marca de seguridad y como certificado de garantía sobre la originalidad de la pieza, para evitar falsificaciones.


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