3W,5W,10W uv laser

Introducción de cinco tipos de máquinas de marcado láser uv de 5W

Oct 12 , 2021

Introduction of five types of 5W uv laser marking machine


There are also many types of laser marking machines on the market. In short, they are dazzling and have strange functions. They are also very suitable for the production needs of different materials. Today, I will choose five more common and widely used laser marking machines. Let me introduce to everyone!


Fiber laser marking machine


First of all, the first model is a fiber laser marking machine. What about this model? It is also widely used in the market, and its function and efficiency are very high. It has gained a good reputation. It uses the principle of laser thermal effect. To work, it can use a fiber optic marking machine to generate high heat, and then burn it on the surface of the object, and then form a logo or other pattern on the product. It is mainly suitable for some metal materials, if it is plastic Materials are also possible, and his technology for meeting the standards of these two types of materials is relatively mature, and the lifespan is relatively long.


CO2 laser marking machine


Then there is the carbon dioxide laser marking machine. From the name of the carbon dioxide laser marking machine, you know that it is a machine that uses gas for marking. Similarly, it also forms vaporization on the surface of the object through thermal effects, mainly For metal materials and non-metal materials, many electronic components and packaging shells and leather materials on the market are competent.


Infrared laser marking machine


The third type is infrared laser marking machine. Although this type of marking machine is not as widely used as the above two types, its effect is also very good. It has the characteristics of high peak value and narrow pulse width, and the focusing effect is also very good. Yes, and it is suitable for the light transmission of some car keys, as well as the light transmission laser engraving of the keyboard, etc., which are mainly produced in some more delicate places. Although it is not widely used, as long as it is used to represent this object They are all relatively advanced.


Green laser marking machine


El cuarto tipo es la máquina de marcado láser verde. Este tipo de máquina de marcado láser también es relativamente rara, pero también es utilizada por muchas personas en el mercado. No utiliza una fuente de luz caliente o una fuente de luz fría, sino que existe entre ellas. Una especie de fuente de luz, se utiliza en la creación de patrones de algunos productos de cristal.

láser ultravioleta  | láser verde  | láseres ultravioleta  | láser uv dpss  | láser de nanosegundos  | fuente de láser ultravioleta  | Láseres de estado sólido

Máquina de marcado láser UV


El último tipo es la máquina de marcado láser UV. Este tipo de máquina de marcado se usa ampliamente en vidrio. Incluso se pueden usar algunos logotipos en el vidrio del automóvil para lograr el estándar. No solo eso, también se puede utilizar en superficies metálicas. Para procesar.


El contenido anterior trata sobre la introducción de las cinco máquinas de marcado. Espero que pueda ser útil para todos. En resumen, hay muchos tipos de máquinas de marcado láser, todas tienen sus propias características y todas tienen ciertas características. Ventajas y características, y si necesitas comprar, solo compra los productos que más te convengan.

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