3W,5W,10W uv laser

How to choose a suitable UV laser for marking black plastic?

Dec 12 , 2023

How to choose a suitable UV laser for marking black plastic?


microsurface engraving plastic

Choosing the right power UV laser for black plastic marking In many industrial applications, the marking of black plastic is an important step. Traditional marking methods, such as inkjet printing and mechanical engraving, may have difficulty leaving clear marks on black plastic. As an emerging marking technology, UV laser can effectively leave lasting marks on black plastics. As a professional supplier of ultraviolet lasers, Ruifengheng appeared to explain how to choose an appropriate power ultraviolet laser for black plastic marking and put forward some suggestions. 1. Principle of UV laser marking UV laser is a laser equipment that uses ultraviolet light for marking. The principle is to use the high energy of ultraviolet light to directly produce chemical and physical changes on the surface of the material to form marks. Compared with traditional marking methods, UV laser marking has higher accuracy, faster speed and better quality.


2. Difficulties in Marking Black Plastic Due to the dark surface color of black plastic, it is difficult for traditional marking methods to leave clear marks on black plastic. This is because black plastic absorbs most of the visible and near-infrared light, resulting in lower energy transfer efficiency in traditional marking methods. However, the UV light emitted by a UV laser can penetrate black plastic surfaces, making the mark clearly visible.


3. Choose a UV laser with appropriate power. Choosing a UV laser with appropriate power is the key to successful black plastic marking. If the power is too low, the mark may be unclear or impossible to mark; if the power is too high, the plastic surface may be damaged. Here are some suggestions to help you choose the right UV laser power: 1. Mark content: Choose the right laser power based on what you need to mark on black plastic. For example, simple letters and numbers may require lower power, while more complex patterns and logos may require higher power. 2. Marking depth: Select the appropriate laser power according to the marking depth you need. Deeper marks may require higher power. 3. Marking speed: Choose the appropriate laser power according to your production needs. Higher power increases marking speed but may require a more complex cooling system. 4. Plastic type: Choose the appropriate laser power according to the type of plastic you use. Different types of plastic may absorb different wavelengths of UV light and therefore may require different laser powers.



Choosing the right power UV laser is critical to successful marking of black plastics. When purchasing a laser, be sure to consider factors such as mark content, mark depth, marking speed, and plastic type to select the appropriate laser power based on your specific needs.

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