3W,5W,10W uv laser

marcador láser verde fuente de luz fría grabado botella de perfume

Sep 24 , 2021

green laser marker cold light source engraving perfume bottle


When the world’s first bottle of perfume was born

It is inseparable from the delicate container that holds it.

Sight is as important as smell

Before you smell the perfume

The bottle can give the most direct sensory experience


Perfume bottle laser engraving machine, take you into the elegant kingdom of perfume


Each perfume bottle is colorful and different

Exquisite and moving like a jewelry box

The light passes through the transparent bottle and the drenched air

Refracts warm light

It is safe, reliable, and warm

Every detail on the bottle has the footprint of laser engraving machine craftsmanship

Whether it's a plethora of gorgeous flowers, or simple and pure lines

Reflected in the multi-colored water in the bottle

Like a midsummer night's dream in the perfume world


The characteristics of laser personalized customization have set off a heat wave in the perfume industry


Engraving the individual logo on the bottle body, whether it is a simple blessing

O un aniversario especial, lleno de cariño

Deje que los perfumes con un período de sabor limitado se recolecten permanentemente

Abre el frasco de perfume, la tenue fragancia perdura

Ilumina el recuerdo especial de cierta persona en mi corazón, un momento determinado

láser ultravioleta  | láser verde  | Láseres ultravioleta  | láser uv dpss  |  láser de nanosegundos  | fuente de láser ultravioleta  |  Láseres de estado sólido

La máquina de grabado láser da nueva vida al perfume


Concretar el alma del perfume

Dale a la gente el shock del alma más intuitivo.

Despertar el reconocimiento y la resonancia de las personas por la belleza.

Siente el hermoso mundo de las fragancias entre los frascos de perfume grabados con láser

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