3W,5W,10W uv laser

Regalo de grabado láser de estado sólido DPSS para Qi Xi Jie: Día de San Valentín de China

Aug 11 , 2021

DPSS solid-state laser engraving gift for Qi Xi Jie—China’s Valentine’s Day


The seventh day of the seventh month of the lunar calendar is known as Qi Xi Jie, a traditional holiday that has been recently called China’s Valentine’s Day.


The story of the Niulang and the Zhinv has been given profound meaning since ancient times. Today, we replace the moonlight in the sky with lasers ,and laser-engrave metal bookmarks, letting beautiful stories come into our reading life.


When making bookmarks, businesses can choose stainless steel with gold plating. It has both luster and toughness, and is durable and easy to store. It is the best choice for bookmark materials. On the basis of laser engraving, businesses can also follow the trend of the public, and increase the painting process to make the bookmark more decorative, vivid and cultural.


Story details


The 2,000-plus-year-old history marks the star-crossed love between a cow herder Niulang and Zhinv, a weaver of clouds and the daughter of the Jade Emperor who is the Daoist ruler of heaven.

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The story goes that the two fell in love and got married, but their bond was met with disapproval by Wangmu, Zhinv’s mother and the queen of heaven. With a swift move of her hairpin, she separated the two with a river in the sky, known today as the Milky Way. Since then, Niulang is viewed as the star Altair and Zhinu as the star Vega.


But the queen took pity on them and gave them one night of the year to spend together. On Qi Xi Jie, the queen is said to send magpies to bridge the celestial gap between the two star lovers.


Los amantes fueron inmortalizados una vez por el poeta de la dinastía Song Qin Guan: “Una noche de encuentro, a través del cielo otoñal. Sobrepasa la alegría en la tierra.” aquí hay una traducción de ese poema Hada del Puente de la Urraca.


Arraigado en la astronomía:

El cuento parece ser una interpretación de la prominencia de las dos estrellas Altair y Vega, que junto con Deneb forman la constelación occidental, el Triángulo de Verano, que es muy visible en el verano en el hemisferio norte.

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