diodo láser uv corta diferentes formas de adornos de hojas
Sep 14 , 2021
uv laser diode cuts different shapes of leaf ornaments In autumn, fallen leaves are the most eye-catching focus of beauty The trees passed by the autumn wind are falling with leaves They whimper lightly in the air Flaming maple leaves, golden ginkgo leaves... Like a light and comfortable butterfly, but also like a dancing wizard Laser cut leaf jewelry Freeze this wonderful autumn scenery as...
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El sombrero de corte por láser UV de 5 vatios no se vuelve amarillo ni negro
Sep 14 , 2021
El sombrero de corte por láser UV de 5 vatios no se vuelve amarillo ni negro Hay muchos tipos de sombreros, incluidas gorras con visera, gorras de béisbol, sombreros para el sol, etc. Las etiquetas tejidas, los apliques y los bordados de marca registrada cortados con láser están decorados en los sombreros, dándoles ideas únicas e innovadoras. Especialmente para los sombreros de flores, las ...
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Radio retro cortada con láser verde Q-switched compacta de 532 nm
Sep 14 , 2021
Radio retro cortada con láser verde Q-switched compacta de 532 nm Para los chinos en las décadas de 1960 y 1970 La existencia de la radio es como el teléfono móvil actual Era una ventana para que la gente entendiera el mundo en ese momento. Detrás está el epítome de una era. es un recuerdo inolvidable Radio retro cortada con láser, te lleva de vuelta a los viejos tiempos 532 Proceso ...
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guantes de corte de fuente láser verde con bordes limpios y sin rebabas
Sep 15 , 2021
green laser source cutting gloves with clean edges and no burrs Gloves are used for hand warming or labor protection, and they are also used for decoration. Gloves are a very special thing. They were not produced for practical use. Only in modern times, they have become essential for heat preservation and protection in cold areas, or medical anti-bacterial, industrial (fitness) protec...
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Calentador eléctrico de marcado y corte de alta precisión con láser de estado sólido bombeado por diodos
Sep 15 , 2021
Calentador eléctrico de marcado y corte de alta precisión con láser de estado sólido bombeado por diodos Es finales de otoño y se acerca el invierno. ¿Has preparado ropa de abrigo? En los inviernos muy fríos, tengo más miedo a las manos frías y, a veces, es un inconveniente usar guantes. Para mantener las manos cálidas y flexibles al mismo tiempo, el tesoro de calefacción eléctrica es la pr...
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El marcador láser verde corta la tela de la ropa interior, el corte es suave y plano
Sep 15 , 2021
Green laser marker cuts underwear fabric, the cut is smooth and flat Underwear is clothing worn close to the body, including undershirts, vests, bras, etc., which are all clothing that directly touch the skin and are one of the clothing that modern people must wear. As far as personal wear is concerned, the selection of materials and production procedures for underwear are very important an...
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La máquina láser UV 3d graba recuerdos turísticos sin decolorarse
Sep 15 , 2021
UV 3d laser machine engraves tourist souvenirs without fading Tourist souvenirs are unique to each place and unique. But many times we find that the homogeneity of tourist souvenirs is quite serious, which hinders the sale of souvenirs. In order to give a unique cultural atmosphere and show the unique characteristics of scenic spots, laser engraving machine is the choice that must be taken ...
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Marcado láser ultravioleta de alta potencia de 355 nm Los zapatos de protección ambiental Converse Renew Denim no están dañados
Sep 15 , 2021
Marcado láser ultravioleta de alta potencia de 355 nm Los zapatos de protección ambiental Converse Renew Denim no están dañados Cada año, cientos de millones de toneladas de ropa vieja se desechan como basura Entre ellos, más del 95% de la ropa vieja tiene el valor de ser reciclada Pero no obtuvo una mejor ubicación En la tendencia actual de la protección del medio ambiente. Reciclar ya es ...
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reloj de acero inoxidable grabado con láser Q-switched de nanosegundos
Sep 15 , 2021
nanosecond Q-switched lasers engraved stainless steel watch Time passes through a gap like a white horse, and it can pass quietly between your fingers, only the watch does. Watches are the product of the combination of fashion elements and precision machinery. For a dazzling array of watches, how to make your own more unique and unique? Simple, the laser engraving opportunity will bring you...
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Láser uv de 355 nm con sistema de enfriamiento de agua para marcar huevos
Sep 15 , 2021
355nm uv laser with water cooling system marking eggs Nowadays, consumers are paying more and more attention to the shelf life, and they have to look at everything they buy, but many people don't know the shelf life of eggs. As an important food, we eat eggs every day. The shelf life is also very important. Almost everyone thinks that as long as the eggs are not bad, they are good, and they...
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Candelabro de metal hueco de corte por láser verde de 20 y 35 vatios sin quemar
Sep 16 , 2021
20 and 35 watts Green laser cutting hollow metal chandelier without burning We often say that home is the harbor of "love" From decoration to furniture arrangement Every link is integrated into our love for home Lighting has become the best makeup artist in the room environment It is not only the daily lighting function More is the embellishment of the room space Laser hollow metal chandeli...
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Envoltura de auriculares de grabado de alta precisión y alta estabilidad con láser de 355 nm
Sep 16 , 2021
355nm laser high stability and high precision engraving headphone wrapper In life, in addition to Bluetooth headsets, wire headsets are commonly used by us, which is very good. But when we take it out of the bag or pocket, there will be annoying things. It will be entangled every time, every time it takes time and mind to slowly untie it. It's really troublesome! Laser engraving and winding...
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