3W,5W,10W uv laser

Problemas comunes y soluciones de la máquina de marcado láser UV de 5W

Oct 20 , 2021

Common problems and solutions of 5W UV laser marking machine


The application of laser marking machine can be seen everywhere in life, but when using the laser marking machine, there will be abnormal situations due to improper operation and other reasons. If it is not solved in time, it will have a relatively large impact on the production of the enterprise. Although the laser marking machine The maintenance of the laser marking machine is more complicated, but its simple principle makes many small problems can be solved by yourself. Let’s take a look at the common problems and solutions of laser marking machines.


Nanosecond laser marking machine


The laser marking machine cannot type. If the laser marking machine cannot be printed, it depends on whether the laser power supply is energized according to the requirements. If it is normally energized, check whether the power supply is damaged. Secondly, check whether the setting type is set according to the manual and whether the optical path is wrong. When the control signal line is broken or the plug is loose or the control card is broken, the laser marking machine will not be able to print. Finally, check whether the laser is damaged. You can use F2 to mark. If F2 can operate normally, you can press F3, After the port is opened, there are 0-15 sixteen numbers behind, which can be debugged one by one. The numbers marked by different laser marking machines are different, and you can operate according to the manual.


The laser marking machine's light output is relatively weak


The laser marking machine emits weak light. The weak light output of laser marking machine is also a relatively common problem. You can check whether the focal length is adjusted, and adjust the focal length to a reasonable range to solve it. If the CW method is not selected, the light that appears will be weaker, just select the CW again, no If you adjust the reflector and cavity, you need to readjust it. If the center of the galvanometer is not hit by the laser or the lens is scratched, the laser marking machine's light output will be weak. At this time, readjust the optical path or replace the galvanometer, and finally do not adjust Q The solution to the light-on situation is to increase the current of the laser, check whether there is light leakage in the reflector, and readjust the Q switch if light leakage occurs.

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La máquina de marcado láser emite anormalmente


La máquina de marcado láser no emite luz normalmente. La emisión de luz anormal de la máquina de marcado láser es más probable que sea dañada por la tarjeta de la placa, lo que se puede solucionar ajustando o reemplazando la tarjeta de la placa. Si la unidad Q y el interruptor Q están dañados, deben reemplazarse a tiempo o puede aparecer el sistema de control de la computadora. El problema es reinstalar el sistema informático o reemplazar la computadora. Si la conexión de la señal está abierta, la conexión debe reemplazarse o soldarse a tiempo.


Láser ultravioleta RFH


Los problemas comunes y las soluciones de la máquina de marcado láser se le han presentado en detalle. Aunque las partes de la máquina de marcado láser son más complicadas, el principio es relativamente simple. Puede realizar el mantenimiento a tiempo según el principio simple y según la anomalía que aparezca. El problema es más grave, todavía es necesario que los profesionales lo reparen.

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