3W,5W,10W uv laser

Aplicación del láser industrial de estado sólido de nanosegundos en el marcado de productos cilíndricos

Jul 26 , 2022

Aplicación del láser industrial de estado sólido de nanosegundos en el marcado de productos cilíndricos


El marcado es el proceso de marcar la fecha de producción, la vida útil, el período de validez, el número de producto, el logotipo del producto y otra información de texto e imagen en materiales metálicos o no metálicos de acuerdo con las regulaciones nacionales o las necesidades de la propia empresa, lo cual es muy importante. para la trazabilidad del producto y la lucha contra la falsificación. significado especial.


Sin embargo, en el proceso de marcado real, la superficie del producto a marcar no es un plano, sino un cierto arco, o incluso todo el cilindro, como la carcasa de plástico de pequeños electrodomésticos, termos redondos, latas, cabezales de carga. Con un cierto cono, Baterías, etc., las operaciones de marcado tradicionales, es difícil lograr un marcado de alta calidad en superficies de formas tan especiales.

láser ultravioleta  | láser verde  | Láseres ultravioleta  | láser uv dpss  | láser de nanosegundos  | fuente de láser ultravioleta  | Láseres de estado sólido

The emergence of laser equipment has brought a subversive solution. The principle is to use a high-energy-density laser to locally irradiate the surface of the material to vaporize or change the color of the material, thereby leaving a permanent mark. The industrial-grade nanosecond solid-state laser developed by RFH can easily perform wrap-around 360° marking on any irregular material surface, and the effect is particularly good, with fine and clear patterns or numbers and clear boundaries.



High-quality marking results are entirely due to the excellent performance of this laser. Very high beam quality M2 < 1.2, the focused spot is smaller, the energy density is higher, and it can bring a better depth of focus, which is especially important when marking cylindrical objects. The higher the fault tolerance of the marking process, the marking efficiency of the special-shaped surface is greatly improved. The output 355nm UV laser can be absorbed by most materials, so there are many types of marking materials, including various metals, glass, plastics, composite materials, etc., with wide applicability and stronger versatility; pulse width less than 25ns , the time to act on the surface of the material is short, the absorbed laser energy is less, the heat generated is less, and it will not diffuse to the surrounding to damage other materials around, the overall heat-affected zone is small, and a better marking effect can be obtained. It is clearer and the resolution of the entire marking is higher, which fully reflects the high quality of the product.



Although the traditional marking method can meet many requirements, it has completely lagged behind laser marking in terms of processing efficiency, processing accuracy and applicability. Laser marking has moved from laboratory to civilian use. Decades of development have made laser marking It penetrates into all aspects of life and becomes an indispensable and important force in various economic fields such as food, medicine, agricultural products, 3C electronics, electrical appliances, auto parts, and stainless steel products. The use of RFH nanosecond solid-state lasers is a leader in laser marking equipment. Its diversification, multi-purpose, high efficiency and high quality can actually improve quality and efficiency for customers and help customers move towards new development steps.

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