3W,5W,10W uv laser

refrigeración por agua ultravioleta de la pulsera 15ns del silicón de la máquina del laser de 5w 10w DPSS

May 26 , 2023

3w 5w 10w uv laser machine with water cooling system uv laser glass bottle plastic paper marking machine



1. Comparison among 355nm UV Laser, 1064nm Fiber Laser and 10600nm CO2 Laser


1. The shorter the wavelength, the more concentrated the energy. The greater the energy, the more light that material will absorb. Greater absorption = Better quality mark. Compared with long wavelength 1064nm fiber laser and CO2 laser, 35nm UV laser can make better quality mark;


2. UV lasers are generally used for intricate, precise marks on the micro level. Their focused wavelengths allow for a high beam intensity and miniscule spot size;


3. UV laser are especially suitable for laser marking soft materials. Because it offers a higher absorption rate than fiber and CO2 lasers and are less likely to burn the surrounding material because they produce less heat. This is why UV laser is also referred to as “cold processing method”, while fiber and CO2 lasers are called as ‘thermal processing method’;

Hoy, le recomendaremos  la marca de láser RFH UV  de China.

Cerámica de corte de fuente láser uv de alta potencia de 20 vatios

Expert III 355 Ultra-Estable Nanosegundo Láser UV 10W12W15W


El láser UV DPSS de la serie Expert III 355, desarrollado y producido por RFH, cubre 10w-15w de potencia láser con ancho de pulso corto (<20ns@40K), calidad de haz superior (M²<1.2) y calidad de punto de láser perfecta (circularidad del haz >90 %). Es ampliamente utilizado en el corte de PE/PCB/FPC, corte de vidrio y zafiro, taladrado, trazado y corte utilizado en áreas de micromaquinado de alta precisión.

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