3W,5W,10W uv laser

Láseres UV de nanosegundos de 3W y 5W que marcan la fecha de producción en bolsas y cajas de embalaje de alimentos

Feb 27 , 2023

Láseres UV de nanosegundos de 3W y 5W que marcan la fecha de producción en bolsas y cajas de embalaje de alimentos

Láser uv de 355 nm para marcar códigos de fecha en paquetes de alimentos

Las bolsas de envasado de alimentos son una parte importante de los productos alimenticios. Además de poder diseñar diferentes estilos de embalaje exterior para promocionar productos, también pueden proteger los alimentos de la contaminación. El exterior de las bolsas de envasado de alimentos debe estar marcado con la fecha y la información de producción de acuerdo con los requisitos y estándares. El método de marcado de los láseres RFH UV de nanosegundos hace que el marcado sea más conveniente y eficiente.


The difference between RFH UV Nanosecond Lasers marking and traditional ink jet marking is that UV Nanosecond Lasers has changed the contact marking method, and non-contact marking is carried out by emitting small light spots. UV Nanosecond Lasers has the characteristics of short pulse, high beam quality, and high peak power. It is a low-temperature cold light source, which has little thermal impact during marking, and will not damage or burn plastics, which are more heat-sensitive materials.

RFH UV Nanosecond Lasers have fast compliance speed, high efficiency, and long continuous use time, and there will be no problems such as the need to replace ink halfway like traditional ink markers. Because the ink consumables are not applicable, RFH UV Nanosecond Lasers are more safe, environmentally friendly and reliable in use. The graphic information required for marking can be changed at will, which meets the needs of changing the date on food packaging bags every day. The marked The feature of information never fading also occupies an absolute advantage.


RFH UV Nanosecond Lasers are produced in a dust-free workshop and will not produce any pollution during the marking process. They are truly green and environmentally friendly high-tech products.


The marking of RFH UV Nanosecond Lasers fully meets the marking requirements of food packaging bags. The self-developed systems can also help manufacturers to mark more efficiently, which has deeply satisfied and moved many manufacturers.

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